Friday, October 1, 2010

Term 3 Blog Post 4: Reflection


In this blog post I will reflect on my personal growth in science and on my performance in the science assessment test for this term(term 3).

How have I has my knowledge and understanding for Science improved and grown?

Time really flies doesn't it? It's almost the end of term 3 now. I must say my Science has definitely improved since I first stepped into Hwa Chong institution. Over the these three terms of practice, research, experiments and assignments, I am starting to feel the toil of doing them again and again. That is, I am getting bored.

To me, this is a very bad thing. So I told myself that I needed to find my old curiosity and hunger for knowledge again, but how am I to do so? As I reflected for several days, I came to a conclusion: I need to take my learning experience out of just the Internet, classrooms and laboratories. What I am trying to say here is that the school needs to organise more field trips regarding Science for us.

Perhaps this feeling is only going to last awhile, as I know in the next term, we would be having some kind of Forensic Science course, which I am very excited for. During this entire term, it has come to my realisation that the naked human eye's vision is very limited. There are a lot of things that we cannot see. Being further taught about cells this term, I wonder what is the smallest thing in the entire universe?

It is taught to us students that cells are the basic unit of life, and that atoms form cells. What if we one day had the power to magnify something as much as we wanted? Would we be able to see things even smaller than what we perceive to be the smallest now? Also, what if we had the ability zoom out of Earth and to the universe, to explore every single space that was ever created? I understand that in my lifetime, many of my questions will go unanswered. Then as I did an ACE project on stem cells, I start to think if eternal life would ever be possible!

How I have grown in my understanding of Science this term, is that I know that there would always be answers, but I believe that wisemen seek not answers, but questions. If Science one day solves and explains every single mystery and thing in the world, then how do we ever improve further? So I say, I have to keep asking, keep answering, and keep learning!

My performance in the Science Assessment Test:

For this term's test, I scored a total of 32/40, which is actually 80/100. This means that I got an A1!

At the moment I got my Science Test Paper, I shouted, "YES!" With regards to my marks in term 2, this shows that I certainly have improved. What I find is a major factor in my results is if I have listened in class, and most importantly, studied. I still remember that on the day of this test, I woke up extra early at 3a.m. to do one last and final revision before the test itself. Well am I glad I did it, as I think if I didn't, I probably get a whole lot less marks.

I have managed to rid my habit of making careless mistakes, so much of the marks I have lost is due to trick questions, content recall and how I explained my answer. In order for myself to improve, I need to make sure I know what will be tested and study for it thoroughly, this will solve the problem of content recall and that I will not forget the properties of anything. For trick questions and how I explained my answer, I guess it's just more practice to familiarise with the usual trick questions and learn from my mistakes. I feel that if I can keep up with this work and keep improving, I would definitely do well in Science!

This is something I am glad I have achieved, which is to get an A1 for every term! Well, at least thus far. So now I can only hope - no wait, strive to get an A1 for my End of Year Examinations, and I would have secured an A1 for my subject Science! To me though, what's important is really not the grade, but still it is something to rejoice for, as it shows that me that I can score well for my science as long as I want to and that after all that studying, I am rewarded with a good grade!